• Question: What is global warrnming?

    Asked by anon-200275 to Hannah, David, Rosemary, Oliver, Leigh, Jordan on 10 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by anon-200202.
    • Photo: David Walker-Sünderhauf

      David Walker-Sünderhauf answered on 10 Mar 2019:

      It’s the overall climate of the earth getting warmer due to man-made climate change (mainly due to different ways of air pollution). Note that “global warming” describe the average temperature of the whole world – with increased climate change scientists expect a lot more weather extremes, meaning in some places it will get very cold for short whiles, and in others very hot. Global warming will also effect different countries in different ways, with some only seeing a slight increase in temperature but others a more drastic increase.
      Often, people describe global warming as temperature change compared to pre-industrial levels. This describes a rise in the average world temperature compared to the average of the years 1850-1900, before human coal and other industries started on a large scale.

    • Photo: Oliver Gordon

      Oliver Gordon answered on 14 Mar 2019:

      It’s how human activity is making the Earth get warmer over time in a way that shouldn’t happen.

      The atmosphere around us keeps heat from the sun in, and stops us all dying of the cold – this is why we don’t have an ice age at the moment! But when we put greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere, it keeps more and more and more heat in, and warms up the planet.
