• Question: how do you know so much bout science

    Asked by anon-200691 to David on 13 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: David Walker-Sünderhauf

      David Walker-Sünderhauf answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I soak up exciting info like a sponge 😉 jokes aside, I do tend to remember a lot of fun facts i find interesting, and I had many science books as a kid from which I do remember little snippets as well. And to me, it feels more like I know just about enough to make it seem like I know what I’m talking about in many topics, but then if you’d ask for more details I’d have no clue!
      Not sure if remembering all this basic info is a good thing or not though, as my fiancee likes saying how I forget all other important things… 😛
