• Question: How do micro-organisms occur

    Asked by anon-200919 to Rosemary, Oliver, Leigh, Jordan, Hannah, David on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: David Walker-Sünderhauf

      David Walker-Sünderhauf answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      Micro-organisms live virtually everywhere! Note that these aren’t just bacteria (even though they’re my favourite), there are other microscopic organisms like funghi, protozoa (single-celled eukaryotic organisms), microscopic algae, little tardigrades (very adorable microscopic “bears”) and many more – there’s a whole world hidden behind a microscope. Basically anything you look at (your spit, soil, pond water, …) will be full of little wriggling creatures.
      I hope this is what you were asking about, or did I misunderstand?
